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Death does not scare me, not achieving my dreams before I die does.

It's good to be reminded that our days in this world are numbered. It makes you think about what’s important, the future, your goals, the many dreams and the entirety of life.

Today, I woke up early, shortly before 6:00 in the morning. I had the chance to do my morning devotionals and I stumbled upon a timely verse that ministered to me well enough due to my present circumstances of feeling depressed and discouraged, James 1:12 says,
Blessed are the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test that person will receive the crown of life that the LORD promised to those who love Him.

In this I understood that I am made holy and happy through trials and testing, and if I continue to remain steadfast and faithful to Him in this journey, what He has promised, the crown of life that of which is eternal reward shall be mine.

Are you being tested, tried and tempted lately? It’s a call to obedience even when you suffer. Staying steadfast under suffering is an act of sonship being shown. Persevere for yours is the crown of life if you remain standing until the end!

As I end the day, I was confronted by the idea of death, the end of life, yet the one best thing I realized while reflecting about life and death, I am confident. I am confident of what’s ahead, that Jesus brought forth Salvation and to His kingdom I’ll come! I found myself looking forward to God’s promise of crown of life. I was at peace at the thought that real life starts after death.

How about you? What’s your perception of death? If you die in 3 years, or 3 months or perhaps life is shorter for you, and you are left with 3 days to live, what would you do and where will you go? If I have died this day, I could have had lots of regrets like “I should have lived the best life ever”, ”I should have stayed awake every second of it.” , “I should have lived it well.” and many many more.

This day, I am grateful and thankful, that God allowed me to still live. Though thy days are numbered, I am reminded that as long as there’s still today, I still have a life to live, a chance to change and chase my dreams.

Live a life fighting for the crown of life!


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